2023 Demonstrating Artist | Paul Andrew Wandless | Show, Don’t Tell

2023 Demonstrating Artist | Paul Andrew Wandless | Show, Don’t Tell

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Paul Andrew Wandless | Show, Don’t Tell | Session 1

Wandless takes pride in being an artist and a craftsman and taking full advantage of any tools, equipment, techniques, mediums, and processes to make artwork. In this presentation, Wandless will sculpt, print, cast, mold, carve, model, texture, emboss and use color on various forms and surfaces to create narrative work. Wandless takes pride in being an artist and a craftsman and taking full advantage of any tools, equipment, techniques, mediums, and processes to make artwork. In this presentation, Wandless will sculpt, print, cast, mold, carve, model, texture, emboss and use color on various forms and surfaces to create narrative work.

Paul Andrew Wandless is a sculptor and printmaker. His sculptures and prints feature ceramic processes, printmaking methods, and a wide variety of sculptural techniques and mediums. He uses clay, printmaking, stone-carving, mold-making, leatherworking, metalsmithing, wood carving, and painting in combination or individually for creation of his narrative works.

Source: WatchNCECA

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