Understanding Glazes – Sample Class




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Take a peek at our first online class: Understanding Glazes.

Understanding Glazes Online is a 4-month course focused on the science behind glazes. No more myths and legends about how glazes work, only facts and science. ​The course provides information and science to help everyone utilize glazes in ways that will help them take control of their materials and make their studios the best they can be. Students can engage with the teachers in bi-weekly, live, online discussions. They can discuss the class with the teachers and other students. We will discuss the questions from the class that arise, as well as explore experiments and the studio in general. In addition, students are provided with discussion forum for each lecture, so they may start the conversation, there and then.

This course aims to develop a basic understanding of the following. Ceramic materials: their chemistry, origins, properties, and functions. The tenants of heat and temperature as related to ceramic performance. Glaze formulas, analysis, and performance. Glaze flaws: identification and corrections. The function of ceramic oxides and color.

This is the same course that Matt Katz has been teaching for years at world class institutions, such as The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Rhode Island school of Design, Montana State University, The University of Kansas, Harvard University, Hood College, Herron School of Art, and the Minnesota New Institute for Ceramic Education.

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